Structure of the Institute

The educational process at the Institute provide the Department:
1. Theory and History of State and Law, Chair
 Andrusyshen Professor Bohdan I. ;
2. Civil and Labour Law, Chair
Associate Professor Simon Svetlana ;
3. Criminal Law and Procedure, Chair Professor Mikulin Victor P. ;
4. Law, Chair Associate Saltovskiy Ivan ;
5. Political Sciences, Chair Professor Babkin Olga ;
6. Political Science and Public Administration, Chair Professor Vashchenko Konstantin A. ;
7. Theories and methods of teaching social and human sciences, professor Anatoliy Bulda ;
8. Education Policy, Head of Department Professor Eugene M. Sulima

Courses provide support units :
1. Library and reading room socio - political literature.
2. Center for Legal Aid .
3. Center for Legal Education.
4. Forensic Laboratory.
5. Center for Policy Analysis and Forecasting.
6. Centre for Sociological Research .
7. Cabinet innovative technologies social - liberal education .

The Institute operates NGO " Themis ".